Order Key Tags

Protect the valuables on your key ring with a War Amps key tag.

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Step #1 of 3

Order Key Tags

Thank you for your interest in War Amps key tags.

Indicate how many sets of key tags you would like to order (each set contains two key tags):

Key Tags


Contact Information

The War Amps respects your privacy. We protect your personal information and adhere to all legislative requirements with respect to protecting privacy. We do not sell, rent, trade or share our mailing list.


Please indicate your preferred label style(s):

  • The War Amps
  • Maple Leaf
  • Address labels are available to Canadian residents only.
  • Each set contains 58 labels.
Your address labels will be printed using the name and address you provide under contact information unless you choose to customize it.


Select the type of donation:

Make my donation a monthly donation.
Monthly donations will be deducted from your credit card on the same date each month.

Official income tax receipt

Please indicate your preference:

You will be asked to enter your credit card information during the next step.