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Collage of war amputee veterans, child amputees and a set of keys with a War Amps key tag attached.
Collage of war amputee veterans, child amputees and a set of keys with a War Amps key tag attached.
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A Message to Alberta Residents

You can protect your keys and support Alberta’s amputees with a War Amps key tag.

The War Amps and the Alberta government have embarked on a joint project that will allow us to continue providing our services to Albertans. When you renew your license at your local registry agent office, you have the opportunity to sign a consent form releasing only your name and address to The War Amps so that we can mail you key tags.

  • By saying yes, you will be added to our mailing list and receive your key tags once a year.
  • There is no cost for the service and no obligation to donate.
  • If you see value in the way the Key Tag Service safeguards your keys, you can choose to make a donation.
  • You can be added to our mailing list immediately by ordering a set of key tags today through our website.
“After we lost our keys, the dealer quoted a replacement cost of $800. Imagine our delight when the keys were returned to us by courier from The War Amps!” Catherine
“Thank you for the safe return of my keys! My car fob would have cost $265 to replace, so I am especially happy to have it back.” Joffre

Order Your Key Tags

“After we lost our keys, the dealer quoted a replacement cost of $800. Imagine our delight when the keys were returned to us by courier from The War Amps!” Catherine
“Thank you for the safe return of my keys! My car fob would have cost $265 to replace, so I am especially happy to have it back.” Joffre

How do key tags work?

  • Attach a confidentially coded War Amps key tag to your key ring. It is registered only to your name and address.
  • If you lose your keys, the finder can call the toll-free number on the back of the tag or place them in any mailbox in Canada.
  • The War Amps will return your keys to you by courier, free of charge.

Every year, The War Amps returns approximately 13,000 sets of lost keys.

Donations to the Key Tag Service fund our essential programs for all amputees in Alberta, including veterans and children. With your support, amputees receive invaluable peer connections, much-needed funding for artificial limbs, and a strong organization that advocates for their needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are you asking for my permission to release this contact information?

In order to protect your privacy, organizations like The War Amps must obtain written, informed consent from you before the Alberta government will release your contact information to them.

What information will The War Amps receive?

If you agree, we will receive your name, address and a unique identifying number (MVID) each year for the next five years.

How is The War Amps going to use my information?

We respect the privacy of Canadians. We protect your personal information and will never sell, rent, trade or share our mailing list. We will only contact you by mail to send you yearly key tags and address labels, or if you ever lose your keys.

How long is my consent valid?

Your consent is valid for five years and can be renewed each time you renew your license. By doing so, you will continue to receive your key tags and The War Amps will continue to receive your up-to-date address automatically from the Alberta government.

Are there any additional charges to me if I say “yes”?

There will not be any additional charges if you consent to sharing your contact information with us. The Alberta government and registry agents across the province have donated their services to help us continue our services in Alberta.

Can I say “no” and use the Key Tag Service later if I change my mind?

Certainly. All Canadians are free to order key tags at any time through our website or by calling 1 800 250-3030.

What’s the catch?

There is no catch; the Key Tag Service is completely free. If you find value in the service, you can choose to donate to The War Amps. Donations help fund artificial limbs and programs for amputees across Canada.

What if I want to withdraw my consent?

You can contact us any time if you would like to remove your name and address from our mailing list.

The War Amps

1 Maybrook Drive
Scarborough, Ontario
M1V 5K9
Attention: Privacy Officer
1 800 250-3030

The War Amps DOES NOT:

  • Use professional fundraisers
  • Receive government grants
  • Solicit by phone or door-to-door
  • Sell or trade your name/address
  • Spend more than 10% on administration
  • Tie up funds in long-term investments
We take seriously our responsibility to our donors and strive to provide them with the information needed to make a well-informed decision and have a sense of how their money is being used. Our Annual Report is one way in which we do that.