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The War Amps provides amputees with financial assistance for artificial limbs and information resources that address all aspects of amputation.

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A car with a War Amps DRIVESAFE sticker on the rear window.

Motorists and The War Amps,
working together to make driving safer.

DRIVESAFE is a “kids-to-adults” message, from child amputees to drivers, developed to promote safe driving and to prevent serious injury due to traffic accidents. Children who have lost limbs due to someone's careless driving are the program’s inspiration.

To ensure the message gets across, The War Amps offers defensive driving tips and DRIVESAFE windshield stickers. As an ongoing reminder, the DRIVESAFE message is featured in our public service announcements, on our parade float and on key tags.



A War Amps DRIVESAFE sticker.
  • Tailgated? Let them go by!
  • Don’t be panicked by other drivers.
  • Skateboards, rollerblades and bikes are here – share the road.
  • Slow down 10 km/h in bad weather.
  • Be seen. Use your headlights night and day.
  • Don’t sightsee when behind the wheel.
  • Anger is dangerous. Try a smile.
  • Conversation distracting? Head it off politely.
  • Expect the other driver to ignore signals. Don’t trust others with your life.
  • Don’t be tempted to call or text – use a hands-free device or turn it off.