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The War Amps provides amputees with financial assistance for artificial limbs and information resources that address all aspects of amputation.

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Advocacy can help

The War Amps provides a voice for all amputees in Canada and, through our Advocacy Program, works on behalf of individual amputees who have encountered discrimination or red tape in accessing appropriate amputee care, important financial benefits and/or legal rights.

With a century of expertise behind us, The War Amps is the centre of excellence in the field of amputation and prosthetics in Canada. Nationally, we are held in high regard as the expert in the provision of care for all amputees. As neither a prosthetic company nor medical professionals, we add a unique and unbiased perspective to issues concerning living with amputation that truly represents the needs of amputees.

Why Is Advocacy Needed for Amputees in Canada?

One of the biggest issues facing amputees across the country is a lack of understanding of the reality of living with amputation and prosthetic care. This is true of both public health care and private insurance. Unfortunately, government, insurers and the public do not have a good understanding of the cost and necessity of artificial limbs, and the role they play in health-care treatment of amputees.

How Can The War Amps Help?

Prosthetic Funding for Government Agencies and Insurers

The War Amps “Crusade for Reform” aims to improve the standards of funding for artificial limbs. By educating public health care and private insurance agencies on the necessity of artificial limbs, our goal is to reform and improve the system so that amputees will be able to receive the limbs they need for their independence, safety and security.

Should you require our support or more information, please contact us.
1 877 622-2472

We extend our support and share our expertise with government and insurers, as well as employers, at their request. Through consultation with The War Amps, they can leverage our century of expertise to ensure that their policies do not compromise the well-being of amputees. In our experience, a compromise in care results in an increase in costs for payors down the road. Together, we can ensure funding policies reflect the reality of living with amputation and administering prosthetic care.

woman sitting on bench

Such collaboration reduces red tape and unnecessary bureaucratic delays, resulting in increased value of taxpayer and shareholder dollars. Our experience has demonstrated that the outcome is a more robust, accurate and cost-effective policy, better able to serve the needs of funding agencies, the public and amputees.

Prosthetic Funding for Amputees

Due to the gaps in health-care coverage, amputees are left to pay the balance for their artificial limbs – a cost that can be prohibitively high. Very often, this cost barrier causes a person to go without the artificial limb they have been prescribed. The War Amps fills the gaps in funding where it can, but as a charity that relies on public donations, our funds can only go so far.

If you are denied funding for an artificial limb by government health care or private insurance, The War Amps can help by reviewing the denial and considering if an appeal is possible. Denials of funding are often due to a lack of understanding of amputation and prosthetic care.

Disputing a claim with the government or a private insurer can seem like an overwhelming prospect for many individuals, especially if they are facing roadblocks and red tape. The War Amps is an experienced advocate, and our involvement amplifies the voice of the amputee to promote their best interests.

An exciting aspect of the Advocacy Program is that some of our cases have the potential to create widespread, positive changes for all amputees. Our focus is on these types of cases, where a positive outcome can set the groundwork for many more amputees to achieve the same result.

“Big news – I was approved for the entire amount! Let me take this opportunity to thank you for all the help in getting this amazing knee and leg. This will greatly improve my life, and it is very heartwarming to have such a dedicated team of professionals in your corner. Thanks again!” Ken

Compensation and Legal Issues

When someone has lost a limb to an accident, or an illness where they suspect medical malpractice, they may consider taking legal action. Our many years of experience and knowledge of amputation can help with this.

The War Amps can recommend lawyers who have experience working with amputees or can work with your lawyer of choice to answer questions and provide information about amputation and its associated costs. Our resource kit for lawyers, which is available free of charge, helps lawyers pursue sufficient compensation for their clients that takes into account the individual’s long-term health-care needs.

Human Rights

If you or someone you know has been treated differently because of an amputation and it has caused harm or prevented access to services, The War Amps can help. Examples may include an amputee requiring accommodations in the workplace or being excluded from an event, activity or location.

We will share our knowledge with any employer, business or government agency to educate them on amputation and their rights and responsibilities to their employees/customers. Each situation is unique, and The War Amps will work with the amputee to address the issue.

Government Benefits

The War Amps helps amputees access benefits and programs such as provincial disability support programs, funding for accessibility modifications or health-care services, the Disability Tax Credit (DTC), and the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP). We have helpful information and tips to share that can make applying for these benefits simpler.

Contact us to receive these resources.
1 877 622-2472

We serve war amputees and seriously disabled veterans by helping them to access their benefits and services. As veterans’ health care is provided under a combination of federal and provincial systems, accessing benefits and services can be a complex and bureaucratic process. With 100 years of experience, we are well versed in this area and can help war amputees navigate these systems.

In addition, through our formalized collaborative partnerships with the Department of National Defence and Veterans Affairs Canada, we provide expert advice to shape standards and policies for prosthetics and care to best meet the needs of our traditional and modern-day war amputee veterans, as well as still-serving war amputees.

These agencies turn to us as experts and hold our opinion as instrumental to their decision-making process. Our experienced and well-researched insight yields measured and fair results.