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Headshot of Jim Parsons


Jim Parsons

Angus James (Jim) Parsons was born on May 26, 1923, in Sherbrooke, Quebec. He earned a mechanical engineering diploma before enlisting in February 1942 with the 27th Armoured Regiment (Sherbrooke Fusilier Regiment, B Squadron). On June 6, 1944, he landed in Normandy, France, as part of the D-Day invasion. Later that year, while in Turnhout, Belgium, he lost his left hand and forearm due to an injury. Mr. Parsons received a Mention in Dispatches for his bravery in hauling his Troop Commander out of a burning tank despite having a badly shattered arm.

When he returned to Canada, he joined The War Amps and held the positions of:

  • President, Western Ontario Branch
  • Member, War Amps National Council
  • General Manager, Key Tag Service (1950-1956, 1970-1980)

Mr. Parsons’ work as a Supervisor with the Veterans Land Act, D.V.A. in London, Ontario, was helpful, as he could use his business administration experience and engineering background to improve the Key Tag Service during his time there. These contributions included designing several machines used at the Key Tag Service. One of the them, The Angus, was named after him and used for folding aluminum frames around plastic key tags.

Mr. Parsons passed away on August 31, 1998.

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