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A collage of four photos of Sophia which show her using different attachments on her artificial arm to do activities including swimming and rock climbing.
A collage of Sophia which show her using different attachments on her artificial arm to do activities.
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Sophia’s Story

Sophia’s parents learned that she was going to be born missing her left hand at their first ultrasound. Before she was even born, they were able to get connected with The War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program and received tremendous support. Since she was born, the CHAMP Program has been there to help with financial support for artificial limbs, regional seminars and peer support.

Sophia was fitted with her first artificial arm when she was 10 months old. Today, Sophia is an active girl who likes rock climbing, playing the piano and swimming.

“With the support of The War Amps, Sophia has all the tools she needs to overcome the challenges that come with being an amputee. So, to all the people that have donated to the Key Tag Service, I say, ‘thank you.’” Ryan, Sophia’s Dad

Thanks to donations to the Key Tag Service, Sophia has the “helping hands” she needs to achieve her goals.

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War Amps Key Tags – It’s Your Service!

Since The War Amps first sent out key tags 75 years ago, the public’s participation in the service has made it a success. By using the Key Tag Service, you are a part of what we do! Your support funds essential programs for children, veterans and all amputees across Canada.

  • Attach a confidentially coded War Amps key tag to your key ring. It is registered only to your name and address.
  • If you lose your keys, the finder can call the number on the back of the tag or drop them in any mailbox.
  • We will return your keys to you by courier, free of charge.
  • Key tags are produced in Canada at The War Amps sheltered workshop, employing people with disabilities.